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        Jiangxi Synergy Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
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        Add: Jiangxi Fengxin Industrial Park, Fengxin,Jiangxi,P.R.China

        Tel: +86-795-4605771,4605608

        Fax: +86-795-4605772

        E-mail: info@jxsynergy.com

        Post Code: 330700

        Sales Center:

        Room 1901, Tower A, Yuanshen Financial Building, NO. 355 Yuanshen Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai China


        E-mail: sales@jxsynergy.com

        Post Code: 200135

        The EHS system of Jiangxi Synergy Pharma Ltd has passed on-site audit by US Pfizer on October27, 2009.

        The EHS system of Jiangxi Synergy Pharma Ltd has passed on-site audit by US Pfizer on October27, 2009.

        【Next;】:To celebrate the 60th anniversary of P.R.C, labor union of Jiangxi Synergy Pharma Ltd organized staff from

        【Previous】:Jiangxi Synergy Pharma Ltd. will participate in CPHI exhibition in Paris during Oct.5-7th, 2010. Our booth is B54 in Hall 2.


        免费国产成人资源,国产一区二区欧美激情,亚洲精品乱码不卡在线,欧美人与动人物牲交一区二区 国产精品va在线观看老妇女 国产超碰人人模人人爽人人喊

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